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Konzernkonsolidierung meistern: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Lösungen

Join us for BARC’s presentation of the leading solution providers in this space.

About the topic

Konzernkonsolidierung meistern: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Lösungen

Date: June 3, 2025
Language:  German

For many groups, financial consolidation is essential to combine the financial data of multiple legal entities into consolidated financial statements, eliminating intercompany transactions to accurately reflect the group‘s financial performance. The webinar will highlight the importance of comprehensive software support for financial consolidation, as well as the current challenges organizations face. Software and service providers will provide insights into the functional capabilities of their solutions and share experiences and use cases from implementation projects. 

About BARC webinars

BARC Webinar

After an executive summary from a BARC analyst, you will have the opportunity to introduce your company and services to an engaged audience and interact with participants to discuss their requirements and needs. The BARC analyst will summarize recent market developments and trends, enabling a meaningful and relevant discussion, providing the foundation for a solution-oriented and opportunity-driven dialogue.

The focus of the webinar is on comparing different vendors/service providers and their products and services in a specific subject area.


  • Webinar with up to 3-4 sponsors
  • Length: approx. 2 hours – Moderated by a BARC analyst
  • Language: English / German


  • 15-minute presentation by your company + 5 minutes for Q&A.
  • Select 40 leads from the list of participants. You will receive name, position, company, e-mail, telephone (if available, telephone is not mandatory). All participants provide their opt-in consent
  •  Your logo on our landing page

Price: €5,500

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